Program 15º SISGA

We are working on the SISGA’25 program, below is the SISGA’24 program, as a guideline.

From September 26 to 28 2025



THURSDAY, September 26th


Hotel Zentral Rey Pelayo, Xixon

  • 12:00 h. Reception of participants. Distribution of documentation and accreditations.
  • 12:30 p.m. Opening.
    • Presentation of the 14th SISGA by Marcos Abel Fernández Marqués, president of the Asturies XXI Foundation
    • Inaugural tasting of Czech cider, led by Jiri Procházka from Cider Mill Sekt, Czech Republic.

 Cider Bar La Tonada de la Guía

  • 14:00 h. Business lunch.


Nava Town Hall

  • 16:15 h. Official reception for authorities and participants by the Mayor of Nava.

Cider Museum of Asturies

  • 17:00 to 17:15 h. Welcome by Juan Stové, Director of the Cider Museum of Asturias
  • 17:20 to 17:50 h. Workshop ‘A Sidra sobre rodas: The Cider Truck Experience’ by María José Valente and Jaime Barros. Sidrería Celta Endovélico from Porto, Portugal, with tasting of Portuguese ciders.
  • 18:00 to 18:30 First Cider Tasting. Stonewell Cider, Ireland, led by Eamon Lucey, Ireland.
  • 18:40 to 19:10 h. Presentation ‘Native cider yeasts and their use in the production of sparkling natural cider using the traditional method, by Ramos del Valle’ and tasting of Ramos del Valle sparkling cider, made with its own cider yeasts. Arcadio Vázquez, PhD in Chemistry.
  • 19:20 to 19:50 h. Second Main Tasting. Riestra Cider, by Raúl Riestra from Asturies.
  • 20:00 to 20:30 h. Presentation ‘Conservation of cider apples in the Alps’ Gianluca Telloli. Oenologist, Llagar Maley. Aosta Valley, Italy.

Lolina’s Cider Mill

  • 20:00 h. Espicha (traditional Asturian standing meal).

 FRIDAY, September 27th



AGROPEC. Exhibition of Asturian apples in collaboration with CSAM – Sierense Club of Friends of the Apple – 27 to 29 September. Luis Adaro Fairgrounds.


Finca El Duque Restaurant. Castiello, Xixón.

  • 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. International Jury of the SISGA Awards. (COMPULSORY TO ATTEND, AT LEAST ONE PERSON PER PARTICIPATING CIDER MILL). Opening by Manuel G. Busto, president of the SISGA International Jury, explaining the rules and describing and defining the aspects to be assessed in professional cider tasting.
  • Constitution of the International Jury of the SISGA ’24 Awards.
  • Tasting, deliberations and scoring of the ciders presented in the competition.

Social Program:

  • 10:00 a.m. Guided tour of Cabueñes Cider Mill and its traditional, vertically – oriented orchards, led by its cidermaker Diego Agüera, with a tasting of his
  • 10:00 a.m. Presentation conference of the European Network of Cider Cities and the European CIDEREU programme by the president of the Asturies XXI Foundation, Marcos A. Fernández, with the participation of the international institutional representatives present. Location: Finca El Duque Restaurant.
  • Visit to Xixón’s Botanical Garden.

 Xixón City Hall. Reception Hall

  • 13:00 h.- Welcome at Xixón City Hall by local authorities to the institutional representatives of municipalities from the Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal, France and Spain participating in the Cider Cities project and CIDEREU.
  • 14:00 h. Business lunch. Location Finca El Duque Restaurant.


Asturias Hall. Congress Pavilion of the Luis Adaro Fairgrounds, Xixón.

  • 16:00 h. Reception by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Xixón and guided tour of AGROPEC (Fair of the Countryside and of the Agricultural, Livestock, Forestry and Fishing Industries).
  • 17:00 h. Presentation / Tasting Foods of Paradise.

17:00 to 20:00 h. Workshop on International Cider Pairings with Foods of Paradise, taught by the expert Lluis Nel Estrada (chef, writer and promoter of Asturian gastronomy), with the participation of representatives of the participating cider mills.

  • I Intervention: ‘PGI Madeira Ciders’ with Sedretario/tesorero de la Asoc. de Productores de Sidra de Madeira. y degustación de Sidra do Massa.
  • II Intervention: Jaanihanso Cider. Estonia, led by Alvar Roosima.
  • III Intervention: Mr. Plume Cider. Latvia, led by Maris Plūme.
  • IV Intervention: Sodo Sidrine. Lithuania, led by Donatas Genys.
  • V Intervention: Sidra Alfa, Portugal, by Duarte Moura.


Caja Rural of Xixón Foundation Assembly Hall

  • 21:00 h. Opening of the exhibition LA SIDRA Photography Contest, with a speech by the president of the Asemeyando Association, Luis José Vigil -Escalera ‘Lujó Semeyes ‘.
  • 9:30 p.m. Tasting of Asturian brut ciders and gastronomic proposal by Miscelanea Gastro.
  • 10:30 p.m. Cider Bar Tour around Xixón.


September 28th

AGROPEC . Exhibition of Asturian apples in collaboration with CSAM – Sierense Club of Friends of the Apple – 27 to 29 September. Luis Adaro Fairgrounds.


Asturias Hall. Congress Pavilion of the Luis Adaro Fairgrounds, Xixón

  • 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Stand assembly.
  • 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tasting Open to the Public.
    • 12:00 to 12:45 p.m. Cider tasting: Ciders with cannabis, by Benito Peziña by Kuartango Cider Mill, from Basque Country.
    • 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Guided tasting of the Cidérka Cider Mill by the cidermaker Zuzana Kameníková.
  • 15:00 to 16:30 h. Free food by AGROPEC.
  • 17:00 to 20:00 h. Open to the Public
    • 17:00 to 17:45 h. Guided tasting of Japanese cider of Fukiware Cidrerie by the cidermaker Tatsuro Fuji.
    • 18:00 to 18:45 h. Guided tasting of Asturian cider Exner Cider by the cidermaker Daniel Exner.
    • 7:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Guided tasting of the Seidear Cider Mill by the cidermaker Christian Stolte.
  • 20:00 to 21:00 h. Stands dismantling.
  • 9:30 p.m. Confraternity Espicha. Llagar Piñera (Deva, Xixón) with products from the El Pintxu Grill.

September 29th

AGROPEC. Exhibition of Asturian apples in collaboration with CSAM – Sierense Club of Friends of the Apple – 27 to 29 September. Luis Adaro Fairgrounds.


Finca El Duque Restaurant. Castiello, Xixón.

11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Gala Brunch. SISGA’24 Awards Ceremony.

  • Speech by the President of the Asturies XXI Foundation.
  • SISGA ’24 Awards Ceremony.
  • Gala Brunch.
  • Public appointment of new ambassadors of the International Cider Fair -SISGA-.
  • End of SISGA ’24 and farewell.




The organisation offers participants who arrive in Asturies before the SISGA, or who continue their stay afterwards, the opportunity to provide proposals, information and contacts with different apple producers and cidermakers, cider mills and companies that produce their own cider machinery.

Specifically, the possibility of participating in:


Asturias Hall. Congress Pavilion of the
Luis Adaro Fairgrounds. Xixón.

  • 12:00 to 14:00 h. Workshop on International Cider Pairings with Foods of Paradise taught by the expert Lluis Nel Estrada (chef, writer and promoter of Asturian gastronomy).

Visit to the El Gallinal Apple Orchards. Serín, Xixón.

  • Reference orchard registered in the Protected Designation of Origin that has 30 hectares of which 23 are planted with seven varieties of apples with Denomination of Origin: Regona, De la Fuente, Verdialona, Durona de Tresali, Xuanina, Raxao and Madiedo. Serín, Xixón.


  • PDO Sidra de Asturies.- Visit to the facilities of the Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin Sidra de Asturies. San Xuan de Capistrano, Villaviciosa.
  • Visit to the facilities of the Regional Service for Agri-Food Research and Development (SERIDA), which has a genome reserve of more than 2,000 varieties of Asturian apple. Villaviciosa.
  • Cheese and Cider Route – ‘A journey into the cheese world through Cabrales cheese, cider, landscape and culture’. Asiegu, Cabrales.
  • Visits to Cider Mills.- There are many Asturian cider mills that offer visits to their facilities (JR , Castañón , Cortina , Piñera…), about whom we can provide information, and many others that, without offering these visits, will surely be delighted to receive the cidermakers attending SISGA.
  • Cider routes – Essential, a small route from cider bar to cider bar with 3 proposals:

Everything related to the organisation, travel and administration for the complementary program is the responsibility of the interested attendees. For its part, SISGA offers contacts and facilitates the arrangements, but we are responsible for these activities.

For the main activities there will be coach transport for free for participants, and we will tell each day the departure and pick up times and locations.

For the rest of activities such as complementary program, transport is up to the participants, this is why there is time and location in each activity. Punctuality is important.

      •  Free food by AGROPEC
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